Weight Loss Plateau

Apr 15, 2023

A weight loss plateau occurs when you've been successfully losing weight but then suddenly hit a point where the weight loss stalls, despite continuing with the same diet and exercise routine.

Experiencing this is very common. The human body is adapted over millennia to resist losing weight, and understandably so, as this could’ve signalled an impending famine for our ancestors. We often see most people hit this plateau at around 4-6 months after starting a lifestyle change. If you're experiencing a weight loss plateau, here are some strategies to help you overcome it:

Top tips

1/ Keep track of your food intake: Keep a food diary and track everything you eat. This will help you identify any areas where you might be consuming more carbs than you realize. Whilst doing this is not sustainable in the long-term it might be helpful to focus your attention and get you back on track. It is not uncommon for people to begin a ‘carbohydrate creep’ without fully realising.

2/ Increase your water intake: Drinking more water can help you feel fuller and may also help increase your metabolism. Aim to drink enough so your urine is a pale yellow colour.

3/ Change your workout routine: Try changing your exercise routine to include new activities or different types of exercises. This will help challenge your body in new ways and may help break through your weight loss plateau.

4/ Get enough sleep: Sleep is essential for weight loss, and getting enough rest can help improve your metabolism and energy levels.

5/ Manage your stress levels: Stress can have a negative impact on your weight loss efforts. Find ways to manage your stress, such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga.



Fasting is a popular approach for weight loss and a tool we often use to kick-start a weight loss plateau. Here are some ways that fasting can help:

1/ You tend to eat less over the course of a week. Fasting in short sharp bursts works better than daily calorie restriction for a prolonged period as it is more unpredictable for your brain. Calorie restriction often leads to a slowing of the metabolic rate with time, whereas fasting is thought to increase it.

2/ When you fast, your body may begin to burn fat for energy. This can help to increase your metabolism and help you break through a weight loss plateau. 

3/ Improved insulin sensitivity: Fasting may help improve insulin sensitivity, which can make it easier to lose weight and improve overall health.

4/ Reduced inflammation: Chronic inflammation can contribute to weight gain and make it harder to lose weight. Fasting has been shown to help reduce inflammation in the body.


A word of Caution

Whilst fasting might be an effective weight loss tool for many people, it may not be suitable for everyone. Those that need to exercise caution include those with a current or past history of an eating disorder, those that take medications that lower the blood sugar (insulin, Gliclazide and Glimpiride in particular) and those that take medications that need to be taken on a full stomach (for example aspirin, Ibuprofen or Metformin – this is not an exhaustive list so check with you pharmacist before starting).


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