Seasonal Changes and Your Health: Why The Autumn is the Perfect Time to Focus on Wellness

Aug 31, 2024

As humans, we may not hibernate like some animals, but our bodies are still remarkably attuned to the changing seasons. Just as nature cycles through phases of growth, harvest, and dormancy, so too does the human body respond to shifts in temperature, daylight, and even the availability of food. These seasonal changes have a profound impact on our appetite and weight, especially as we transition from the warmth and abundance of summer into the cooler, cozier months of autumn. But have you ever stopped to consider how deeply these shifts affect us? As always I'm particularly interested in those changes that can affect our weight. 

Our bodies are finely tuned to respond to changes in our environment, including shifts in temperature, daylight, and even the types of foods available. As autumn approaches, the decrease in daylight hours and the drop in temperature signal our bodies to prepare for winter.


Historically, this preparation involved building up energy stores in anticipation of food scarcity, leading to an increase in appetite and cravings for heartier, more calorie-dense foods.


This phenomenon is rooted in our biology. The decrease in sunlight affects our circadian rhythm, which in turn influences hormone production. One hormone in particular, melatonin, which regulates sleep, tends to increase as daylight wanes. Higher levels of melatonin can trigger feelings of lethargy and increase the craving for comfort foods rich in carbohydrates, which are known to boost serotonin levels and improve mood. This natural inclination towards foods that provide warmth and comfort is why we often find ourselves reaching for stews, soups, and baked goods as autumn sets in.


During summer, our diets typically consist of lighter, hydrating foods. Fresh fruits, salads, and grilled vegetables are the most appealing usually, reflecting the abundance of produce available during the warmer months. These foods help keep us cool, energized, and hydrated under the ‘hot sun.’


However, as the weather cools, our bodies start craving foods that provide warmth and sustained energy. Autumn's harvest of root vegetables, squashes, and apples naturally lends itself to heartier meals. These foods are not only seasonally appropriate but also nutritionally aligned with our changing needs. Root vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots, and beets are rich in complex carbohydrates. Squashes, such as butternut, are packed with vitamins A and C, supporting our immune system as flu season approaches.


Have you ever stopped to notice and think of this?

And it’s not just our appetite, our level of exercise and movement tends to vary.. transitioning from travelling ‘far from home’ in the Summer to the ‘staying at home’ in Winter. Summer traditionally is the time for adventure and our ancestors would have been exploring during these longer days. This is in contrast to the Winter, when food would have been scarcer, days would’ve been shorter and colder and the tendency would be to conserve energy and stay close to home.


All of these changes can lead to weight gain of course.

All wild animals will have an instinct to stock up on energy in the Autumn ready for the winter…


Have you ever noticed these changes in yourself? Well this Autumn I urge you to be more conscious. Because the reality is that this can be a problem, because we don’t actually have a natural weight loss occurring from end of Winter into Spring; food is abundant all year round for us, and for most, this causes a gradual weight gain.


Very rarely do we eat to the season..meaning that we only eat what nature intended us to eat at specific times of the year. 


Apart to say one last thing…the Autumn, for us modern humans, signals the start of the academic year. A new beginning. A time of learning! A time to start new challenges…


And learning and challenging is what I do best!!


Instead of falling into the natural human instinct of gaining weight this about getting those blood sugars down, reversing Prediabetes/ Type 2 Diabetes ready to start next year a new you! It’s not too early to think about it! We'll soon be taking new enrolments.

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